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  • Promoting Excellence Through Equity in California Schools with Presenter Pedro A. Noguera, Ph.D.

Promoting Excellence Through Equity in California Schools with Presenter Pedro A. Noguera, Ph.D.

  • 12/15/2017
  • 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Yolo County Office of Education, 1280 Santa Anita Court, Woodland, CA 95776


  • *Includes 1 year Membership
  • California ASCD Member Only
  • Price per person

*Early Bird Non-Membeer
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California ASCD and Yolo County Office of Education present:

Promoting Excellence Through Equity 

in California Schools  

  with Presenter Pedro A. Noguera, Ph.D.

Friday, December 15, 2017
Hosted by: Yolo County Office of Education
Location: 1280 Santa Anita Court, Woodland, CA 95776
Time: 8:30 a.m.— 3:00 p.m.  

Workshop Description: 

Across our Nation, courageous conversations are underway about confronting the fundamental ways inequalities affect students' learning and opportunities to reach their full potential.  But talk isn't good enough, and more work must be done to attain greater equity and opportunity for all students.  To cultivate more effective practices, Dr. Pedro Noguera brings a thought-provoking discussion that advances our shared work in attaining equity and opportunity for ALL students!  Join us for a day that promises to challenge and move your thinking!  Sometimes changing hearts, minds and actions start with a compelling message!

Participants Will Learn:  

Required Focus on the Five Essential Ingredients for School Improvement;
  • A coherent instructional guidance system.
  • Ongoing development of the professional capacity of staff.
  • Strong parent-community-school ties..
  • A student-centered learning climate.
  • Shared leadership to drive culture.   

Workshop Presenter:                     

Pedro A. Noguera, Ph.D. is the Peter L. Agnew Professor of Education at New York University. Dr. Noguera is a sociologist whose scholarship and research focuses on the ways in which schools are influenced by social and economic conditions, as well as by demographic trends in local, regional, and global contexts.  Dr. Noguera holds faculty appointments in the departments of Teaching and Learning and Humanities and Social Sciences at the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Development.  He also serves as an affiliated faculty member in NYU's Department of Sociology.  Pedro Noguera is the Executive Director of the Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools.  Dr. Noguera has published over 200 research and scholarly articles, monographs, research reports, and editorials on topics such as urban school reform, education policy, conditions that promote student achievement, the role of education in community development, youth violence, and race and ethnic relations in American society as well as the author of several books.                                            

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