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ASCD California


CASCD's committees are where much of our work gets done, and serving on a committee is a great way to build collegial relationships with educators across the state.  Listed below are the standing committees, their purpose and their chair.

Governance & Membership

Governance Membership Chairperson – Sharron Zoller

  • To review, study and recommend any changes in the Bylaws, Strategic Plan, and governance structure of the affiliate. 
  • To explore methods of recruiting, retaining and increasing members. 
  • To nominate candidates for election to the CASCD Board. 
  • To recommend, secure and implement programs and marketing ideas that promote the Association and recognizes outstanding educator achievements. 
  • To oversee the Outstanding Instructional Leader of the Year Award, developing the application, process and award recognition. 
  • To recommend and implement membership campaigns.
  • To determine needed Board Development
  • Serve as an unofficial CASCD emissary while attending workshops, conference and other professional activities by promoting CASCD as may be appropriate.

Professional Development

Professional Development Chairperson – Derrick Lawson

  • Identifies the professional growth issues and needs of the CASCD membership. 
  • Develops and implements a yearly professional development plan. 
  • Seeks to identify and showcase instructional practices. 
  • Sharing of best practices within CASCD membership and in California that accelerate student learning.
  • Surveying members about professional development needs.
  • Evaluating current offerings and researching topics and speakers.
  • Monitor the publications and resources of ASCD to inform committee recommendations.
  • Monitor the offerings of other educational organizations so that CASCD is providing unique offerings and filling gaps as identified by committee members.
  • Monitor changing curricular and programmatic requirements within California to inform recommendations.
  • To provide input to the Executive Director regarding speakers, facilities, pricing and all aspects of our professional learning opportunities.
  • Coordinate and facilitate high quality professional development that is consistent with the vision and mission of CASCD.

Products, Services & Technology

Products, Services and Technology Chairperson – Jason Borgen

  • Implement effective use of social media. 
  • Organize new services for CASCD members.
  • Maintaining the organization website.
  • Recommending professional development opportunities related to technology.
  • Explore involvement of Educators of the Year and Emerging Leaders
  • To develop and oversee the orientation and mentoring of new board members.
  • To oversee how CASCD plans for, generates and uses resources in ways that advance the organization’s goals

California Educator Advocates

 Calif. Educator Advocates Chairperson - Dr. Michele Bowers

  • Collaborate with other educational partners and governmental entities to promote high quality education in California.
  • Develop and expand CASCD influence in legislative policies that impact education.
  • Develop and implement the Influence Grant when available.
  • Develop policy positions, letters and talking points that follow CASCD’s mission and goals.
  • Ensure awareness of CASCD/ASCD among state legislators as a premier professional organization inclusive of teachers and administrators.
  • Influence policies and regulations that impact educational programs and policies for California educators.
  • Plan visits to local legislators and visit them in Sacramento when possible.
  • Promote the resources and benefits of CASCD while attending workshops, conferences and other professional activities.

Please let us know what your area of interest is, and we would be happy to have you join that committee.  Your valuable input would be welcomed on our monthly calls.  The first step is to share with us the areas you might be interested in--this would be a great start!

If you are interested in serving on one of the committees please complete the interest form.

Are you a member of California ASCD?

CASCD members are active and involved in the changing face of education.  Join CASCD and become empowered with innovative solutions to support the success of all learners.   Sign up to become a member or renew your membership today!

Learn More

ASCD CaliforniaPhone: (530) 520-9412
Mailing: PO Box 1841
Oroville, CA 95965

The California Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (CASCD) is a diverse community of educators throughout California committed to promoting exemplary practices that ensure all learners reach their fullest potential.


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